Gum Disease Treatment
General Dentistry
Gum Disease Treatment
It is estimated that gum disease, including gingivitis, affects 85% of American Adults in the US while 40% of them aren’t even aware that they have the disease. Gum disease, particularly in its more severe form periodontal disease can be a dangerous infection that may be life-threatening as it is linked to many other issues such as heart problems, diabetes, stroke, etc. Gum disease is a condition affecting the gums and tissues around your teeth and ranges from mild gingivitis to severe periodontitis. According to the CDC, more than 47% of adult Americans over 30 years old have some advanced form of gum disease, aka periodontal disease, in the United States.
At Solis Dental, our expert team of dentists and hygienists meticulously evaluate your gum tissues and suggest a suitable treatment to maintain your dental health.
Are you suffering from bleeding or swollen gums? No worries!
Schedule Your Gum Disease Appointment NOW and get relief from continuous pain and enjoy a stress-free life.
In Gingivitis, you may experience swollen and bleeding gums With more severe periodontitis, this disease is recognized by more severe bleeding, bad breath, darker gingival color, receding and detaching gums, and even moving loose teeth. It oftentimes is causedby poor diet as well as dental hygiene, such as not brushing, flossing, or regular professional teeth cleanings, which results in tartar accumulation. Our expert dentists including Dr. Escobar may use a variety of treatments, including scaling and root planing, ultrasonic debridement, perio laser, and pocket reduction surgery to prevent gum recession and loose teeth.
Using fluoride toothpaste when brushing your teeth twice daily and daily flossing can help prevent gum disease. If you notice symptoms of gum disease, such as gum infection, receding gums, or bleeding gums, it is important to see our dentist.
What Is Gum Disease?
Gum disease is a common condition that can impact your long-term health and the well-being of your gums and tissues. It is an infection caused by plaque made by bacteria building up around the tissues of your teeth. Sometimes, the infection spreads deep below the gums and into the jawbone which our dentist and team carefully remove to give you a peaceful and healthy life.
Stages Of Gum Disease WeTreat At Solis Dental!
Gum disease is characterized into three stages according to the severity of your illness. At Solis Dental, our dentists and team provide personalized care for your gum issues based on your unique dental needs. The following are the types of periodontal or gum disease:
Gingivitis: The symptoms of Gingivitis include swollen gums, mild bleeding, and redness of tissues around teeth. It can easily be treated by professional dental cleaning by our expert dentist along with your personal hygiene.
Mild To Moderate Periodontitis: If Gingivitis is left untreated, it can lead to mild to moderate peridontitis. Symptoms include the formation of pockets around gums, more significant bleeding, and gums moving away from the teeth, which causes slight to moderate bone loss.
Moderate To Severe Periodontitis: It is an advanced stage of periodontitis. This is characterized by moderate to severe bone and tissue loss. Emergency dental care is required to prevent further bone loss and protect your facial structure.
Symptoms Of Gum Disease
According to our experienced dentists the following may be your symptoms to seek our professional care for your gum disease:
- Bleeding gums
- Gum pockets
- Gums pulling away
- Pain in gums
- Gum Swelling
- Redness in gums
- Loose teeth
- Bite issues
- Bad Breath
If you have any of the symptoms of gum disease, call us NOW at 737-265-5670, and our caring dental staff will schedule your appointment with our dentist.
Why Should I Visit Solis Dental for Treatment of Gingivitis and Periodontitis?
At Solis Dental, our experienced dentists carefully evaluate your dental issue and guide you through the treatment process. Our comprehensive care includes scaling and tooth root planing, pocket reduction surgery, and laser perio treatment to restore your gum health. We try to find out early signs of gum disease to prevent further complications. Trust Solis Dental to provide the top-notch care you need to maintain healthy teeth and gums, ensuring a healthier smile and overall well-being.
Gum disease can be a serious risk factor for your overall health. It typically arises when plaque accumulates on teeth as a result of food debris becoming lodged in them, leading to infection, abscesses, or pockets in unhealthy gums.
Plaque is composed of bacteria that become detrimental, provoke gum inflammation, and discharge toxins into your oral cavity and bloodstream, potentially posing a risk to your general health. At Solis Dental, Dr. Escobar and our skilled dental team are fully equipped to treat all stages of gum coronary artery disease. From the initial symptoms of gingivitis, like swollen and bleeding gums, to more severe periodontitis, where gum recession and loose teeth become a concern, we offer specialized treatments.
Treatment Options at Solis Dental
Both gingivitis and periodontitis stem from prolonged dental plaque and tartar buildup, a live bacterial infection on the teeth. Fortunately, our skilled dentists like Dr. Escobar and our dedicated dental team can treat your gingivitis and periodontitis with exceptional care. We aim to prevent tooth loss and offer advanced treatments to manage this serious condition.
Both gingivitis and periodontitis stem from prolonged dental plaque and tartar buildup, a live bacterial infection on the teeth. Fortunately, our skilled dentists like Dr. Escobar and our dedicated dental team can treat your gingivitis and periodontitis with exceptional care. We aim to prevent tooth loss and offer advanced treatments to manage this serious condition.
Scaling and Root Planing
Our expert dentists use Scaling and root planing, which are non-surgical treatments used to treat gum disease. The procedure involves deep cleaning of the surfaces of your teeth and their roots, removing plaque and tartar buildup. This helps to eliminate plaque and tarter (calculus) deposits, reduce gum infection, and allows the gum tissue to heal, reducing the symptoms of gum disease like bleeding gums and gum recession.
Pocket Reduction Surgery
Pocket reduction surgery is used to reduce the depth of gum pockets around your teeth, making it easier to keep these areas clean. This treatment is crucial for preventing gum disease progression and helps avoid further inflammation and bone loss.
How Do We Identify Your Gum Disease?
Detecting gum disease early is crucial to prevent tooth and bone loss. To determine if you have periodontitis and assess its severity, we may perform the following evaluations:
Review Your Health History
We will review your health history in detail, as certain risk factors, such as genetic predisposition and tobacco use, can significantly increase the likelihood of developing gum disease. This comprehensive review will include assessing your family medical history, lifestyle choices, and any previous dental issues you may have experienced.
Thorough Examination
A thorough examination of your mouth will be conducted by our experienced dental team. This thorough assessment will check for issues such as cavities, misalignments, and oral health.
Measuring Gum Pocket Depth
We will use a dental probe to measure the depth of your gum pockets in various areas of your mouth. A depth of 1-3 mm indicates healthy gums, 3-5 mm suggests early or mild periodontitis, 5-7 mm indicates moderate periodontitis, and 7-10+ mm may signify advanced periodontitis.
Digital X-Ray
A digital X-ray of your mouth will be taken to determine if there has been any bone loss in areas with deeper gum pockets. This advanced imaging technique provides us with a clear and detailed view of your dental structures.
Get Excellent Gingivitis And Periodontitis Periodontal Care at Solis Dental!
Solis Dental provides top-notch care for gum disease, gingivitis, and periodontitis. Our compassionate dentists and Dr. Escobar offer effective treatment for your gum issues, such as Scaling, Root Planing, pocket reduction therapy, and laser therapy.
Schedule Your Gum Disease Appointment NOW and get relief from continuous pain and enjoy a stress-free life.
Call us NOW at 512-846-3787, and our caring dental staff will schedule your appointment with our dentist.